Let’s work together
Please complete the form below.
If you want a 2 Day logo please add that in the subject line along with your company name. Please read all the details below the contact form before submitting to make sure it’s the right solution for your business.
Interested in a 2 Day Logo?
Interested in a 2 Day Logo? 〰️
2 days, $1500
It’s the most intense, but quickest way to get a logo for your new small business. I text you every few hours with questions and we make decisions really quickly. If you have a company of 3 or more, this is not the solution for you, but please reach out! We can figure something else out for you.
What you recieve:
One logo exported in 3 colors exported in an SVG.
The colors are black, white and a 3rd color we choose together all on a transparent background.
2 days of brand and logo exploration.
The Rules
The company cannot be more than 3 people.
No effects or textured logos.
The process only works if there’s open and frequent communication, so please show up to all meetings.
The Process
Pre-production: We take a few days to moodboard on Pinterest and give you time to review it and see what you like. This just gives you time to make decisions and it gives me time to understand a visual direction that most suits your business needs.
Day 1
We start with a morning meeting where we talk where you're headed. We have the moodboard up and we talk through what you like and what you don't like. I sketch live on the call and we discuss things.
During the day I will text with rough vectors and I send fonts that may be interesting for the project.
The evening meeting will be when I present rough vectors in Adobe Illustrator (no pdfs, sorry! this is a scrappy, agile process) and we will have final decision on typography. I may work in the evening if you're still not vibing with something.
Day 2
We will have a mid-day meeting will be more final versions of the logo. They won't be pixel perfect, but this is when we narrow it down to one direction so I can start cleaning it up.
By the evening or first thing the next morning you will have svgs and pngs in your inbox. If you need more work or if there's more feedback, we'll work it out from there, but with this process, I try to ensure a product the client is happy with since there is so much communication.