On the weekends, I sell prints and zines at art markets and festivals. Here are my current rotation of zines.
Odd Fashion
Odd Fashion is a collection of fashion illustrations I have done over the years. I love putting outfits together and imagining all of the things that could exist.
Chin Hairs
Chin hairs was my first attempt at making a comic in a while. The cover is printed with a risograph, and the interior is laser print. I started noticing all the women around me with chin hairs and I had to say something!
“Femme” zine was something I made to calm myself down. Drawing women is probably the most fun and relaxing thing I can do. This is a collection of wind-down illustrations that I did while trying to escape the real world.
“I Like Your Style”
This zine is a collection of illustrations I did in 2016. I love the compliment and this zine I sell for a total of $1. That way, everyone who likes my work, but can’t afford the larger prints, can have this little zine.
College Comix
These comix are the two comics I finished in my college years called Mona and Michealo. Mona is a humanoid alien who can screw off her scalp and insert vending machine toys into the folds of her brain to absorb information from her home planet. These images only selects from the zine booklet.